Placement recruitment agencies in Bangalore

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Layoffs raining good news for the Start up industry

Layoffs raining good news for the Start up industry ! !

Globalization means lots to us and that does not matters to two thirds of the population in the world and at no time in the history of the universe has the cancellation of Christmas orders in California meant layoffs in India.

A recession is very bad for the Society, but it's the best time for start ups. When there is massive layoffs, there's more competition for the available jobs in the market and which means that an entrepreneur can hire freelancers at a lower cost.

We Share our story and  we do have enough experience in hiring a laid off employee !

 You must be thinking if I have taken leave of my senses. How can people losing jobs be good news for anyone? Well, firstly, I must assure you that I possess a perfectly healthy (or near enough) state of mind. And what I am saying is indeed good news.

From retail to IT giants, organizations are laying off employees due to non-performance. While it's tough on employees, one must not overlook the brighter side of things. There are lots of rapidly growing start ups that are looking for skilled talent which they can readily get from employees recently given the pink slips and looking for work.

Here are a few benefits start ups can reap by hiring a laid off employee:

The employee comes with his own skill set and experience, and hence, won’t take much time to be fully productive.
You can save money on training costs and other expenses till the employee becomes productive.
You can hire a trained and experienced employee at a lower salary than the current market standards.
The employee can join work without much delay and an experienced employee can double as a guide and mentor to the team, saving considerable cost.

Bangalore Secretary Services is here to provide you with the best skilled force in the industry and
Bangalore Secretary Services are in the business of consultancy in Bangalore prioritizing their level of expertise in head hunting,Placement consultancy in Bangalore and Senior level executive search in Bangalore.

And don't ever forget 'Hire Nice or Hire Twice' 

To know how we can become your long-term Hiring Partner, please feel free to Call us at +917795547089   or Mail us at   for a detailed discussion.

Refer us at

Saturday, 30 May 2015

Placement recruitment agencies Bangalore

Placement recruitment agencies Bangalore

Most of the placement recruitment agencies in Bangalore offer free consultancy and some are paid consultancy in Bangalore and a fresher employ themselves in  different ways

Employment exchanges.

Registering their name in placement recruitment agencies.
Registering their names in Naukri and other job sites.
Referrals by family and friends.
Recommendations by family and friends.
Attending various job Mela..
Applying to various job posted in various job Portals.
Attending Career counseling centers.

An experiences candidate employs or seeks a job change using the below methods.

Applying online
Referrals by family and friends.
Recommendations by family and friends.
Applying to related job posted in various job Portals.

Placement recruitment agencies in Bangalore are the best for a consultation in any scenario of job change or for a fresher looking for a challenging career opportunity.
Before Sending your resume to any Placement recruitment agencies in Bangalore kindly note down the below points.

Write a covering letter addressing the recruiter on points as below.

Excerpted CTC
Current CTC
Notice Period
Willingness to relocate.

In subject line do kindly mention the position applying for
For example

Front Office Executive in a 4 start hotel with an experience of 3 years.
Front end developer with an experience of 7 years.
Sales and Marketing Personal with  5 years experience in Car / Pharmaceuticals sales.

A good written Resume is a good selling agent for the applicant and good resume writing can be done online by available options in the Market.
Try googling resume writing services for a list of companies doing the same.

Once Selected or short listed the candidates will be requested to submit the following documents and going through the following procedures.

Written test on any given subject matter of expert.
Relieving letter from the percent Working company.
Current  CTC Statement  or Salary Slip.
Reference Check or back ground verification.
Relieving latter from the current employer.
Employment offer letter.

On joining the company.

Pre-placement Talk
A briefing session by the Human Resource department to the candidates about the new company.
A formal introduction of the new employee
Scope of work and nature of the work briefed by the HR.

Any Candidate fresher or a Job seeker needs to note the below points in searching for a Job.

  • 1.When you are in the wrong Job or wrong path you either lose your job or get Fired and that's a indication of 
  • moving towards the right path or the right job.
  • 2.An obstacle in your career path is just a stepping stone or a stumbling block.
  • 3. The key to success is self-confidence and the key to self-confidence is qualification,rehearsal and preparation of one self.
  • 4.When one finishes his or her Collage there is a thousand similar people seeking a job similar to your self with the same Qualification and its your self to shine the best in your self to set your style and your  mood has to be controlled or contrarily it's your master.”
  • 5.There is no Substitute to hard work and its sweat determination that makes ones dream come a reality and to be a winner it is about embarrassing the pain in the end that may arise out of the struggle and determination you had taken to reach the level you had dreamed..
  • 6. Opportunity can be missed by most people cause it comes in a disguise of hard work and an Opportunity never knocks in any door rather it a individuals ability to foresee an opportunity and strive toward the same.
  • 7.It would always be better to have a good guide and a well wisher as a guide in the process of Job searching and little push as a mentor would push any Individual to move towards the right path and people who are unable to motivate themselves are those who are content with mediocrity and it does not matter how impressive is an individuals own capability and expertise is.
  • 8. Continuous Failures is just a process of fine tuning ones effort to Perfection and the future belongs to the one who believes in the beauty of his imagination and fantasy.
  • 9.The correct definition of aberration is doing the same thing again and again and expecting different results.

  • 10.The blocks in the road to success is just to show case how badly we need to over come the blocks and achieve our goal to success.

Bangalore Placement Services is a mufti disciplined agency in Virtual Office, Virtual Secretary Services Head Hunting, Business support services, Search Engine optimization and placement Services and refer us at

If you liked this post, please follow us here on   Face Book     /   LinkedIn  and on   Twitter.   And consider subscribing to our  email newsletter  for more high-level insights, about once a week.

To know how we can become your long-term Hiring Partner, please feel free to Call us at +917795547089   or Mail us at   for a detailed discussion.

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Friday, 8 May 2015

Placement Consultants in Bangalore

In Jan 1984 Apple shipped crappy product. It had only 128 K of RAM, no hard disk, no modem, no slots, no color display, no letter quality printer, no documentation, no installed customer base and no development tools.

Apple could have waited until Macintosh was 'perfect'. However, waiting would have added a year of delay and probably would have killed Macintosh because the team was already burned out, the software developers who were creating applications would have lost confidence that Macintosh would ever ship and who knew how the computer market would have changes in a year's time.

But you've got to ship that imperfect product  - not because you want to  (or think you can) get away with it, but because it is the right thing to do.

Revolutionary products don't fail because they are shipped too early. They fail because they aren't revised fast enough.

This holds true for hiring as well. Build your processes and culture so strong that either even the worst hire becomes useful quickly or the worst hire leave on his own. Of course the message here is not that you should hire just anybody, the message is don't wait for the perfect fit. At Bangalore Secretary Service we have seen so many start-ups loosing a lot of time trying to get the rock-star they hope for that they end delaying their milestones indefinitely, which poses a greater risk to their survival.

I sincerely wish this was true! Currently it is just a dream !!! Sorry to disappoint you guys...

But honestly, it is beyond anybody's sane thinking about how on earth most people these days just don't land up for interviews; after confirming at least twice? It is getting beyond reasoning and plain human tolerance!

Why don't these candidates, who almost beg for jobs when they need one, apply randomly to any apply button they get their hands on (almost as if, if they don't get a call for job interview, they and their entire family will go food-less for the next 24 months)!

How shameless can these people get when they happily say yes when asked about their interest and how smoothly they confirm their presence for the interview, only to be disappointed yet again when they suddenly decide to meet their beaus instead or attend to ailing (till now hail & hearty) grandmother? Little do these candidates care about the state of humiliation, ridicule and pain the recruiters go through in front of their Hiring Managers, who by the way in spite of knowing the situation, come down like a pile of rocks on these (us) recruiters.

I think, all the companies in India (it happens only in India), need to lobby with our Legal System to make No-show to interviews (without a reason) to be punishable under a certain IPC code (421; a notch higher than 420 (for fraud))!

From our study (without any prejudice to the matter), highest No-Shows have been seen in the regions of Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida followed by Chennai, Hyderabad and Pune. Candidates from Mumbai and Bangalore seem to have basic courtesy to call much in advance and notify of their non-availability (last minute nonetheless)!

I hope as our population demographic becomes more and more younger in the next few years, it will suddenly become an Employers market and maybe then, black-listing candidates who do not show-up for interviews  will become practical.

Till then lets keep getting punished for somebody else' crime! :)

These are purely our views.

From our experience, these are really the reasons of not turning up for interviews, causing such a productivity waste of the Employers!

1. "Not in the Mood" - Don't want to dress-up and travel. We would give over 70% score to this reason.

Potential Solution: Offer pick-up and drop-off cab service. It may cost you Rs.800 average, but it is worth it. Beware however, your accounting dept. needs to be convinced of the ROI. Unfortunately they are only mandated to save expenses.

2. "Not Really looking for a Job Change" - Wants to explore if by chance there is a 100 or 200% compensation increase possibility

Potential Solution: Spend a lot of time asking why the candidate wants to change the current job. Probe a lot around it. Many candidates break-down here and unintentionally reveal their true motive.

3. "Cannot say "No" - General upbringing and systemic problem

Potential Solution: None found yet!

Came across this great article by a UX Designer on how to hire Designers for your Start up. It was awesome and fully resonated with Bangalore Secretary Services  Thoughts and thinking.

There are two key scenarios when a start-up Founder makes this huge hiring mistake and trust me we know it because we only do start up hiring:

The Founder gives us a salary budget, which is typically half of what the market is demanding (thinking the 'right' candidate will join him for love of the experience and dream of becoming an overnight Instagram or Whats App phenomenon)

The Founder expects to hire a multi-talented, multi-skilled, mulch-tasker just in case the start up had to 'pivot' its business model some day or save on additional headcount, should there be a need to survive
20% of the Founders end up not hiring from us; because they never find the perfect one for the budget they have in mind, about 50% do end up hiring because of paucity of time and return back to us after about 2 months stating that it didn't work out. The 30% that remain is what makes us writes such articles and run our  business Bangalore Secretary Services successfully.

Here's what they do:

Whats your Budget Founder? we ask..


First we would like to explain to you what we intend to achieve from a business stand-point. We will then tell you what skills are generally needed to achieve the vision we have in mind. Then I will let you guys recommend the right candidates. Let us thus do a true salary discovery in the process. Because we certainly want to ensure that person joining us is happy about the work we would give and happy for the money he/she will get that compensates fairly for the impact he/she would bring.

What skills, what experience? we ask.


Honestly, we are looking for intrinsic skills, skills that are inherent in the form of aptitude and keen interest. For example, if we were to hire a PhP programmer, we would prefer someone who would have participated or would have wanted to participate in a hack-a-thon rather than having years of core PHP experience. Someone who may not have done what we want, but knows of open source libraries of PhP that can be readily used in the code, not because they are free, but because they are optimized piece of code written by geniuses. You get my drift?

So to conclude, don't settle for less and certainly don't let salary budget or experience stall you from hiring the right candidate!

And don't ever forget 'Hire Nice or Hire Twice' 

To know how we can become your long-term Hiring Partner, please feel free to Call us at +917795547089   or Mail us at   for a detailed discussion.

Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Executive Search Firms in Bangalore

We firmly believed the only source of knowledge is experience and with the empirical consciousness we commenced operations of  Executive search firms in Bangalore Secretary Services, we were unsure whether the business community would be willing to pay our consultation and service charges But two years down the line our constant focus on Customer experience and persistence of our core team has proved us wrong (and we are happy about it  ! !

We crossed 500 happy clients recently and to our surprise even have Start ups from Hyderabad, Chennai,Mumbai Pune and Delhi are in our list of clients

Come and get acquainted with  the best hiring experience with Bangalore Secretary Services and get started immediately with your hiring efforts.

It is only with great people that you may build, grow and scale your placement Consultancy and we are not talking about ourselves  ( Bangalore Secretary Services ) here ! !

Let us set an appointment to discuss how you can benefit from our expert team at Bangalore Secretary Services.

Our research shows that 86% of hiring delays are caused by Candidates not turning up for face-to-face interviews.

If this problem is addressed, then the average conversion time can be reduced to 15 days flat for standard hiring and we are firm and accurate with our efforts. However, we listen and alter our plans in case we don't live up to our promise ! !

Since the last 2 years, we observed that it just takes a phone call and a well articulated website to explain a product and do the deal. Gone are the days of setting up meetings and doing PowerPoint presentations.

Today having a field sales person doing deals by meeting prospects is costing thrice as much as it did a few years ago. The result is transfer of this additional cost to the Customers !, a great company, has over 900 field sales people! and  Naukri has increased its price by five times in the last few years and is by far the most expensive job board in India ! !

Bangalore Secretary Services has been lucky to do all it's sales on the phone and achieve a portfolio of over 300 happy customers in less than 2 years. The result is the benefit of cost saved getting directly transferred to our Customers.

So come and talk to us and understand how we can help you in quick hiring of great talent at an affordable price.Repetitive doing a task  over and over and with the years any recruiters will find recruiting to be frustrating  in keep on doing the same work repeatedly and the process of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results will result in the recruiter opting over to the staffing model of recruiting or climbing the ladder ( Promotions ) in a  Placement company as a senior head hunting professional or in related fields in a placement company.

In this apace and brisk world ephemeral and momentary tasks offer quick and peerless,unparalleled results in the effort of an recruiter and In an ever-changing marketplace adding staffing / head hunting / back ground verification / Pay roll Management as an additional service option in a placement concern makes more sense than ever.

A company with a potential vacancy will certainly see the cost behind in hiring the same in assistance of a placement concern and  If they to go forward in recruiting a  specific position  immediately contracting with a staffing firm is a fantastic stepping-stone to a full placement. Your universe of potential clients gets much bigger when you add a contract employee option as a menu in your list of services.

Benefits of adding staffing as an additional services in a placement concern.

1. Cash flow in a placement concern  is steady and constant in a temporary staffing business.
2. Temporary  employees allow clients to experience the quality and standard of candidates your concern can provide
and this will certainly lead to more business or a satisfied client will give more business so referrals.
3. Now times are changing and many companies end up hiring the temporary candidate as a permanent full-time employee.

Temporary staffing options provide the same fee only employers have the benefit of paying for the candidate over years together adding staffing / head hunting / back ground verification / Pay roll Management as an additional service option in a placement concern expands your ability and power to make more business. It also serves to take some pressure off full fee placements where there is a longer (two to nine months) sales cycle.

Headhunters in Bangalore Secretary Services can adapt to changing times readily because the basic principles of Headhunting / recruiting remain the same but when they switch industries the industry rules changes but Headhunting strategies and methods continue to work the same in Bangalore Secretary Services. If a recruiter /Headhunters in Bangalore Secretary Services get tired of one industry they can experiment with several others at low cost and there biggest expense is time invested to investigate the pros and cons of the new industry segment. and  adding staffing / head hunting / back ground verification / Pay roll Management as an additional service to your list of services will help you stay active in your current industry of choice and a little effort in modification
procedures is a small price to pay for less stress and a more even cash flow in any placement concern.

The Fascination in head hunting in India is the countless ways successful firms can utilize our services and possess the ability to be nimble and adjust to changing circumstances makes head hunting in India viable in good and bad economic times.

Explore adding a staffing / head hunting / back ground verification / Pay roll Management as an additional service to your list of services your recruiting business and combination of staffing / head hunting / back ground verification / Pay roll Management offer unique business advantages and convenience. Amalgamating tall  may provide the magical combination to any placement concern and  a simple alteration can double or triple your earnings next year !

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Head Hunters in Bangalore

Head Hunters in Bangalore

When You Got Fired From Your First Job

I lost my first Job

When you are just out of college, get your dream job and in a matter of months, you get fired from your company. This certainly will not certify your inadequacy as a performer or as a professional and for that matter of concern, it may not be the end of the road rather a beginning for a better professional career.

We offer counseling and adequate measures on how he or she may come off of the trauma of being jobless and take advantage of the current scenario.

When you got fired from your first job, there was a feeling of grief and stress and getting out of that state of mindset was not as easy as it was when the salary was being credited every month. This is not ideal but we provide all counseling to all candidates and solutions that may alter the present scenario of yours.

It may not be the end and it is certainly not the end of your career and as a matter of discussion, you now have enough time and effort to rebuild your career in a better organized manner. Experience is knowledge and knowledge is wisdom and to move forward in the right path with the gained intuition.

Considering the happenings of the past, and the scars they have given you, has the strange power to remind you that your past is real, and that life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.

Basically, the corporate world works on the rule of thumb that is experienced, and an experienced professional in a relevant field gains more power and higher positions in the corporate world, and it is just that you did not have the right mentor. Not all top-level executives are fitted in the chair, and it is a mandatory thought within the corporate world that an experienced candidate will perform and manage the team to his best of his ability. The truth is that he is holding tightly onto his chair, and by doing so, he eliminates his competitor by way of firing.

Now, sit and read the above paragraph carefully, and you will be able to understand that it was not your mistake. Going forward, you need to be careful with the managers who are holding their seat tightly. Understand that we at Bangalore Secretary Services are not just telling a story - it is a happening all over. When you realize the story is not just words and when you can crumple up your past and throw it in the dustbin, then we will figure out who you are going to be tomorrow.

A career does not always involve upward mobility or promotions. There may be falling, too. If you can believe that your past professional experiences were actually the foundation to enable you to think even more critically and creatively, you may then move ahead with all your armor to the ultimate goal in your career. Finally, career failures in life are just indications that people may not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.

Bangalore Placement Services Listens to what matters to you and it may be the candidate or the client seeking the right candidate by listing we learn and by learning we do our best in implementing a solution.

Refer us at